If you spend any time eating authentic tacos in NEPA, you’ll recognize these bright colored bottles instantly. Jarritos®, pronounced “Harr[rolled r]itos” is the official drink of tacos. The all natural soda hails from Mexico and if your taqueria or truck doesn’t carry them, I’m here to help. While you can get just about any flavor of Jarritos® online, here at NEPA Taco Review we want to showcase local businesses. Enter Grandpa Joes Candy Shop. Grandpa Joes is located in downtown Stroudsburg, and if you allow yourself to wander all the way to the back of the store you’ll find the mother load of drinks, including Jarritos® Tamarind. Made with real sugar and packaged in an old school glass bottle, you’ll want to stock up and bring them with you wherever you go to get tacos - just in case. Don’t be afraid to use Google to find your local Mexican grocery store (you can also check your local Giant). This is a great way to find authentic Mexican drinks, and you may be surprised what else you’ll find while there. So, now that you know where to get them, how do you choose which one to try? With flavors like Tamarind, Mandarin, Guava, and Fruit Punch, it can be hard to decide. In my opinion Mandarin just hits right. Its a staple for me with tacos, but I realize the citrus flavor isn’t for everyone. If you’re looking for something more subtle try the Guava which has just enough sweetness and unique appeal. If you’re really adventurous give the Tamarind a try, most people either love or hate the taste!